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University of the Nations

Founded upon biblical principles, the University of the Nations (UofN) fulfills its commitment to Christ and His Great Commission by equipping men and women with spiritual, cultural, intellectual, and professional training, and inspiring them to continually grow in their personal relationship with God while also seeking to make Him known among all peoples in all nations.


The University of the Nations takes a global, cross-cultural, and flexible training approach. Approximately 17,500 students a year take one or more registered courses in over 97 languages at more than 550 locations on all continents. Our training combines elements of both formal and non-formal education, with a commitment to worshiping God in spirit and truth, making room for that expression in all that we do.


Universities first began as ministries of the Church, training leaders for the Church and society. In a similar way, the UofN seeks to train leaders from around the world who are called to the nations, whether they serve in the domain of the Church or in other domains of society. Whatever the context, the common goal of obedience to Christ’s commission to go and make disciples of all nations is the prime motivating factor in developing training in the form of seminars, courses, and conferences. Some of the key strategies employed towards reaching that goal are described below.


The UofN is unique in its international missionary training scope with school locations in 160 nations and at 600 locations on 6 continents. Because national accrediting agencies have major differences in their systems, the UofN has not, at present, applied for any one nation’s accreditation.


Ministry Opportunities
  • Host a Sports Seminar

  • Invite us to speak about YWAM and the UofN

  • Send someone to be trained



College Friends
All Hands In
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